The new constitution was approved via online vote, in the presence of a legal advisor and a notary, alongside EuChemS President Floris Rutjes, and EuChemS Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj and Administrative Assistant Claudia J. Hernando. The constitution was accepted with an almost unilateral, overwhelming majority.
This change in the governance process was catalysed by the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic. In 2020 and 2021, due to extraordinary circumstances, General Assemblies were held online. While, since the 2022 Lisbon Annual meetings, EuChemS returned to in-person assemblies, this change in the constitution allows the organisation of a GA remotely in extraordinary circumstances, even outside of a crisis situation. Nevertheless, regular future general assemblies are still expected to be held in person – such as the 2023 one, scheduled to take place in Larnaca, Cyprus in October.
This change reflects the approach explained in our most recent yearbook, stating that remembering the lessons we have learned during the crisis, such as utilising remote technologies, remains important after returning to the post-pandemic world.