The EuChemS Awards: Opportunities to Reward your Chemists

Do you know that EuChemS has an attractive award scheme to recognize scientific achievements of chemists from all across Europe?
Floris Rutjes,
European Chemical Society

Do you know that EuChemS has an attractive award scheme to recognize scientific achievements of chemists from all across Europe? The most prominent one is the EuChemS Gold Medal Award, which is awarded every other year to an established chemist in recognition of top-level scientific achievements. The first awardee was Ben Feringa in 2018, followed by Michele Parrinello in 2020 and Carol Robinson in 2022. The winner of 2024, who will present the opening lecture at the EuChemS Chemistry Congress next year in Dublin, will be announced later this year. Other awards include the EuChemS Lecture Award for young academic researchers, the EuChems Award for Service for chemists with significant contributions to EuChemS or chemistry in general, the EuChemS Historical Landmark Award for locations of chemical historical significance and the European Young Chemists’ Awards for junior researchers in chemistry. In addition, many EuChemS Divisions have their own awards for chemists in particular fields. All together, this is an impressive arsenal of awards to recognize the accomplishments of European chemists and to support them in their careers.

The selection of the awardees proceeds in a rigorous way with an independent jury for every prize proposing a winner to the EuChemS Executive Board. Important additional criteria include maintaining a proper gender balance and paying attention to inclusivity and diversity. In the EuChemS Executive Board meeting that was held on Friday June 16, the prize winners of the most recent calls were chosen following the advice of the juries. Although we have excellent winners in each of the categories, the number of nominations could be higher, which we would like them to be.

How is it that we do not receive more nominations? There are undoubtedly many talented chemists in all career stages across Europe eligible for the EuChemS awards. Of course, it always takes an effort to nominate a person, while there is a generally low chance of success. But keep in mind that if a nomination is successful, it creates a boost to the winner’s motivation and will help them to further strengthen the impact of their research. EuChemS member societies also have their own award schemes and nominations could without too much effort be (re)submitted on the European level. Thus, I invite you to look into the EuChemS awards ( and nominate the colleagues you think deserve such recognition. In the coming fall, the new EuChemS award calls will be opened, stay tuned for these great opportunities to reward your colleagues!

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