VERITY project launched to promote trust in science

A number of research-oriented stakeholders formed the project, with funding from the European Commission, under the aegis of Horizon Europe.
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The project – at the moment in its early stages – is aimed to combat public mistrust in science by understanding the determining factors of how science is precipitated. The project states that its mission is to guide public stakeholders – policymakers and institutions – to not only make decisions rooted in scientific evidence, but also deploy these decisions in a way that they are trusted and embraced by the public. On their website, the project describes its approach as “holistic”, using which they will attempt to “facilitate science-society co-creation”. In order to achieve this, they aim to employ “Stewards of trust”, which they describe as committed expert individuals and organisations with great potential for outreach and/or influence. The project, while possesses defined goals and ambitions, is yet to share a defined timeline. However, Science/business – one of the founding members of VERITY – states that activities will begin soon.

A number of EuChemS initiatives overlap with the goals of VERITY. EuChemS focuses on scientific responses to societal challenges, and a number of EuChemS initiatives are specifically aimed at encouraging the scientific community to consider social science avenues as well: the EuChemS eLearning platform offers an in depth course on ethics in chemistry, and one EuChemS event at ECC8 focused an looking at chemistry through the lenses of cultural anthropology and political science.

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