Key EU Science Policy players take part in WEF

The World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual meeting was held in Davos, between 16-20 January 2023.
Marton Kottmayer,

While the key topics of the meeting where of geopolitical nature, the programme highlighted the interconnectedness of the challenges the world faces, including climate and nature, conflict, resilience and many more.

EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel highlighted that sustained support for fundamental science can provide a wide range of avenues to fight these challenges. She pushed for investment in research to address the climate crisis and related economic and societal issues.

European Research Council (ERC) President Maria Leptin was present in Davos as well. She also called for support, while emphasizing the importance of being prepared to future crises, such as pandemics, during a discussion on COVID-19. In addition, she called for the involvement of social and behavioural sciences, which should be considered crucial in both crisis preparedness as well as the management of societal changes related to the green transition.

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