The document was signed under the aegis of the “One Health” initiative. This policy approach aims to acknowledge the interconnectedness of human, animal/plant and environmental health – and aims to respond with transdisciplinary solutions to complex challenges. It searches for policy tools that address simultaneously a wide range of topic, such as climate change, food safety and chemical pollution amongst others. It is utilised in numerous policy initiatives, such as the Zero Pollution Agenda.
The document, titled “Cross-agency knowledge for One Health action” cites unsustainable production and consumption patterns as challenges to be responded by via the one health approach. It outlines four steps. Firstly the strengthening the scientific base by improving data availability and interoperability. Secondly, it calls for the “mainstreaming” of the one health approach in future scientific advice and risk assessment. It also emphasises the importance of establishing coordination mechanisms as a third point, and finally, it highlights the need for strengthening one-health related educational and training programmes.
At the 2023 One Health Conference – organised in Luxembourg, by the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (DG SANTE) -, where the statement was signed, EFSA Head Sciencist Carlos das Neves said that facing challenges in Europe “will require transdisciplinary collaboration, coordination, communication, and capacity building”.
EuChemS collaborates with two of the signatory agencies as a registered stakeholder: EFSA and ECHA.