Member state sustainability projects receive EU funds

In total, 233 million EUR was allocated to the projects within the framework of the "LIFE programme". These initiatives are set to contribute to the ambitions of the European Green Deal.
Marton Kottmayer,

12 organisations from 10 EU countries were selected to receive funding to support their respective countries, ranging from Finland to Italy, in order to achieve national environmental targets. All supported Strategic Nature Projects (SNAPs) and Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) address environmental matters at regional, multi-regional, national, or trans-national level, however their specific subject areas are multifaceted: they deal with marine life, energy efficiency, biodiversity and emission reduction amongst numerous other topics.

The summaries of each supported project can be found here.

The LIFE programme, by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) is a European climate action funding instrument. The programme expects to open its 2024 calls for proposals in April.

However, LIFE programme is not expected to be the sole supporter of these schemes. As they are classified as “Strategic Projects”, the European Commission expects that they will also receive funds from “other EU sources, including agricultural, structural, regional and research funds, as well as from national governments and private sector investment”.

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