For the fourth time, Chemistry Europe recognized the exceptional dedication of members of the chemistry community with its highest honour. The Chemistry Europe Fellows Program was launched in 2015, and new Fellows are announced every two years. In 2022, 25 Fellows and 2 Honorary Fellows were honoured.
The Chemistry Europe Fellows receive a certificate and a trophy from their respective national society and there is the tradition of honouring all Fellows together at a reception at the EuChemS conference. In addition, many membership magazines of the Chemistry Europe societies honour the Fellows of their country with an interview published throughout the year in their national membership magazine. The interviews give a very nice insight into the opinions of the Fellows as well as a good cross-section on current topics in the chemistry community.
To make this treasure accessible to a wider audience, you can read a summary in ChemistryViews [1] and/or look at the individual interviews [2–6]:
[1] Vera Koester, Interviews with the New Chemistry Europe Fellows, ChemistryViews 2022. [2] Pap József Sándor, Péter Kele, Az új magyar Chemistry Europe Fellow: Kele Péter, Magyar Kémikusok Lapja 2022. (in Hungarian) [3] Anna Simonini, Angela Agostiano, Nicola Armaroli, Nuovi Chemistry Europe Fellows, La Chimica e l’Industria 2022, VI(5), 10-14. (in Italian) [4] Spiros Kitsinelis, Christoforos Kokotos, How Karaoke Nights Serve Chemists’ Careers, ChemistryViews 2022. [5] Frauke Zbikowski, Sonja Herres-Pawlis, Lutz Ackermann, Nuno Maulide, Chemie in Europa, Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2022. (in German) [6] Jiří Barek, Ivana Císařová, Radek Cibulka, RNDr. Ivana Císařová, CSc. z Katedry anorganické chemie Přírodovědecké fakulty UK a prof. Radek Cibulka, PhD. z Ústavu organické chemie FCHT VŠCHT Praha získali nejvyšší ocenění asociace Chemistry Europe, Chem. Listy 2022. (in Czech)