EuChemS President signed IUPAC Proclamation on funding for basic chemical research

EuChemS President Angela Agostiano has signed the IUPAC Proclamation calling for increased global funding for basic chemical research.
Chiara Capodacqua,

Angela Agostiano, President of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS), has signed a significant proclamation issued by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The proclamation urges governments worldwide to increase funding for basic chemical research, recognizing its critical role in addressing global challenges.

The invitation for Agostiano to sign the proclamation, extended by IUPAC on behalf of EuChemS, reflects a global initiative supported by national chemical societies from across the world. The document outlines the urgent need to address six key global issues: climate change, sustainable energy, resource depletion, water scarcity, food security, and public health. It emphasizes the crucial role of basic chemical research in developing innovative solutions for these pressing concerns.

The proclamation also highlights the transformative power of fundamental research in chemistry, pointing to groundbreaking advancements such as transistors, MRIs, CRISPR gene editing, and lithium-ion batteries-each of which originated from basic scientific research and has had profound impacts on society.

By signing the proclamation, EuChemS joins a global call for policymakers to prioritise funding for the scientific foundations that drive technological innovation and economic growth.

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