EuChemS Gold Medal awarded to Avelino Corma

Following the recommendation of the International Award Committee for EuChemS Gold Medal (IACM), chaired by Joachim Sauer, the EuChemS Executive Board has decided to award the 2024 EuChemS Gold Medal to Avelino Corma, for his exceptional achievements in the field of chemistry.
Marton Kottmayer,

Avelino Corma is the founder of the Instituto de Tecnología Química (CSIC-UPV) in Valencia, Spain. His key research area is heterogeneous catalysis – in the field of which, he has been carrying out research for close to four decades. During his impressive career, he also collaborated with companies, and can list an impressive 180 patents and more than 1400 research papers.

His exceptional research contributed to developing catalysts that are being used commercially in several industrial processes, making him an internationally recognized expert in solid acid and bifunctional catalysts for energy chemicals, and for making more sustainable chemical processes, especially in the synthesis and application of zeolite catalysts. He received many honours for his work, such as the Principe de Asturias Award, ENI Award and the Spiers Memorial Award amongst others. His short biography can be read in more detail here.

His career path exemplifies the aims of the EuChemS Gold Medal, which is awarded every two years to scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Chemistry and have significantly advanced our understanding of a particular discipline. Awardees receive this honour at the biennial EuChemS Chemistry Congresses, after which they hold a plenary lecture. Avelino Corma will do so at the 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, which will be held in Dublin in July 2024.

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